I have personally tried this downgrader 5 times and all resulting in a complete success. I do not guarantee you that you shall be successful as me . Please try this AT YOUR OWN RISK. I will give you 99% success chance if you do EXACTLY WHAT I SAY. But I say let's get it done , it worked for me 5 times and I doubt you will have any problems (hopefully) if you do what i say
: D (trust me).
NOTE: If you have a TA-082 psp , to check click here (your UMD tray will be green in colour) do not attempt this downgrading . Instead do this how to play games on psp without downgrading . I repeat do not attempt this if you have a TA-082 modchip (rare)
1) You will need WinRaR for extracting download it from here
2)Your PSP must be 100% charged , you will also need a psp USB cable and a FORMATED memory stick which is atleast more than 32 MB.
To check whats your f/w (firmware) version go to "system settings " on the main menu > choose "system information" > and see the system software
3) If your firmware is 2.71 skip this step , if its lower than that download this here
4)Download the DOWNGRADER from here
5)Download the DOWNDATER file from here
Downgrading to 1.5
1)If you are on 2.71 Skip this step . If you're on a lower one then go into PSP > GAME and create a new folder called UPDATE. Put the EBOOT.PBP file from STEP (3)in there. Restart your PSP and update it as normal via the GAME menu (Just click on the update icon on the folder and follow the instructions). Delete the data when you're done.
2) Open up the zipped Downgrader file from step (4) . Click on MS_ROOT and you will see the following: PSP , d.bin , LEEME.TXT , README.TXT Copy these onto you PSP's root (the first screen you see when you go into it in USB mode eg removable disk (H:) or (I:) or (J:). If it tells you 'there's already a folder called PSP' or something overwrite it - Just click on "OK".
3) Take the unzipped DOWNDATER folder from STEP (5) and put it in the same place, your PSP's root. your psp should have these things
PSP (folder) <- very important DOWNDATER (folder) <- very important d.bin <- you should have this MP_ROOT (folder) <- it's not important that you have this . LEEME.TXT <- it's not important that you have this README.TXT <- it's not important that you have this MEMSTICK.IND and MSTK_PRO.IND <- Not important that you have this your psp should look like this then RECHECK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE again and again
4) SEE that your psp is full charged , Remove the UMD disk (if any) and Recheck the steps .
5) See this video before doing it here or here (alt. link) it helps alot.
6) Disconnect your psp fom the PC , restart it and go to photos (A small trick that always works for me is switch on your psp scrool to settings then scrool back to photos and click on it as fast as you can .) If it gets stuck just hold the power till it switches off or remove the battery (seriously chill don't worry this is normal ) . After a few attempts your whole screen will turn red (just like the video ) just leave it. It took me 7 attempts for the first time to turn the whole screen red , after about 2 minutes the psp will automatically switch off just leave it alone.
7) Wait for about 1 minute before switching your psp back on. If everything has gone well you will see a crazy blue screen (like the one below) , just press circle . CONGRATS YOU SUCCESSFULY DOWNGRADED YOUR PSP (woo-hoo!) (read below)
YAAAA... See I told you so :D works every time. It will ask you for date and time and stuff after which you can go to system settings and check your 1.5 f/w on your system information . FORMAT YOUR PSP AFTER THIS .
TO PLAY ISO's ON YOU 1.5 PSP :) click here
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